P2P days 35 and 36

Days 35 and 36 were both relatively short and the routes were pretty boring. More farmland on Saturday and some busy highways on Sunday.  However, I did see some things new to me as we rolled into Burton, OH today.  The county that Burton is in has the 4th largest Amish population in the US but I won’t be here long enough to see much of it.   

A few Amish facts:

  • When Amish teens turn 16 they can venture out and experience the non-Amish world including, drinking, dancing, dating and technology without judgement from the church.  They then decide if they want to rejoin the Amish community.  If not, they are not shunned because they have not yet been baptized under the faith.
  • Amish people will not own a car but will accept a ride in one.
  • Amish men remain clean shaven until they are married at which point they start to grow the traditional beard 
  • The Amish are pacifists and there is only one known case of a homicide within the Amish community  
I couldn’t pass up this mildly off-color Amish line so if you are sensitive skip the line below:

“Amish men like to do it with a hoe”

Just a basic traffic sign.  I think my buggy would be acceptable under Amish guidelines.

Rush hour. 

Headed to Pennsylvania tomorrow with a very short 59-miler then a few 100 milers after that with plenty of climbing.  



  1. I'm surprised you missed out on the opportunity to tell us what the teen "hiatus" is actually called. From the recesses of my memory it's called rumspringer or something very close to that.


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