P2P days 42 and 43

Day 42 took us to Piseco, NY and I stayed in a cabin on Piseco Lake. Not a bad place but the only internet access was in the lodge lobby and I didn’t feel like hanging out with 13 others in a small room geeking out. Saturday, Day 42 was the first day of the trip that I felt completely weak on the bike. Not sure why but I just didn’t have it. (The good news is. . . . . .I bounced back, felt super strong, and flattened out the hills today) We did enter the Adirondack Park yesterday and continued through it today. Most of the roads there had very few homes and businesses and had great landscapes of multi-colored trees in fall colors. A few pics: Entering the park Starting a climb along West Canada Creek Columbia ✔️, Snake ✔️, Missouri✔️, Mississipi✔️, Hudson✔️ Looking South down the Hudson River nearing Vermont. The Liberty Monument entering tonight’s visit to Ticonderoga, NY. You history buffs know the importance o...