P2P day 9

Woke up to this today.  In case today’s 92 miles wasn’t tough enough this made it even harder to get motivated.  Also had 10-1/2 miles of grooved highway pavement on a steep climb with no shoulder and double dump trucks flying by so that was pretty cool. 

At least I saw a moose after all of the road signs warning of it. 
Tough to get a moose to stay put long enough for a picture but I guess I lucked out.  

Easy 37 miler tomorrow into Missoula followed by a rest day.  I’ve got plans to do some sightseeing on the rest day.......laundromat, bike shop and CVS (you cyclists and horseback riders know why I’m going to CVS).

By the way, if you comment I don’t know who you are unless you tell me.  Except for you “guy who doesn’t ride a bike”, I know who you are.



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