P2P day 46—-The Wrap

It’s official, my “vacation “ is over.   I decided to go to the beach yesterday to relax after my ride and ran into a group of creatures wearing ridiculous clothes.  Some reasearch told me that it’s a species in which the males of the species are known as MAMIL’s.  When I see something that weird I’ve got to get pictures so here’s a few:

A group of MAMIL’s* with some of the females.  Not sure if they are mating pairs or not.

The only 4 of the MAMIL’s to ride across the country without ever getting a “boost”* and two of the females who did the same.  Within the species you are referred to as an EFI’r* if you do this. 

Some MAMILs do crazy things in an attempt to attract females

Within any community there are members similar to worker bees.  In the MAMIL community these workers can be males or females.  These worker bees were named Blake, Tara and Michael


MAMIL:  Middle Aged Man In Lycra
EFI’r:  A MAMIL or female of the species who rides Every Fucking Inch of a given ride
Boost:  Riding in a motorized support vehicle for part of a ride

A few stats and notes:

Miles ridden—-3819.28
States visited—-15
Riders at start---15
Riders at finish---14
Streets named Main St. ridden on—Lost count at 80
Flat tires—5
Broken chains—1
Crashes—Me-0, group-1 (and he was an EFI,r)
Beers enjoyed—several
Chinese opium dens visited—-0
Clif bars eaten—approximately 92
Future Clif bars that will be eaten—-0

Favorite ride——The Badlands of South Dakota
Favorite hotel—The Iron Horse in Marshall, MI
Favorite brewery—Hay Camp Brewing in Rapid City. SD
Favorite non-cycling activity---The Corning Glass Museum in Corning, NY



  1. Congrats dude. And welcome home! So what's the story around the DNF'r?


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